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The following zipped files contain both .wav and .aif audio files.

1Khz tone. Mono, 5 seconds (zip file size 16 KB, unzip size 1,509 KB).

Mechanical doors open & close. Mono, 8 seconds (zip file size 2,239 KB, unzip size 2,896 KB).

Pop sound in confined space. Stereo, Just under 1 second (zip file size 104 KB, unzip size 244 KB).

Rubber creak reverb. Stereo, 2 seconds (zip file size 564 KB, unzip size 868 KB).

Slap sound in a confined space. Stereo, Just under 1 second (zip file size 220 KB, unzip size 384 KB).

Water stream / trickling. (loop). Mono, 16 seconds (zip file size 2,417 KB, unzip size 2,775 KB).

The following zipped files contain a .wav audio file only.

Heavy thud echo. Stereo, 3 seconds (zip file size 1,049 KB, unzip size 1,507 KB).

Rain and very sudden/sharp clap of thunder. Mono, 54 seconds (zip file size 4.941 KB, unzip 10,508 KB).

Rain and 2 thunder claps. Stereo, 2 minute 8 seconds (zip file size 23,121 KB, unzip size 49,475 KB).

Whistling wind. (loop). Mono, 2 minutes 4 seconds (zip file size 13,852 KB, unzip size 17,911 KB).
Available in.

IMPORTANT: will not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, that may arise from downloading and using any files.

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